How To Keep A Positive Attitude During Your Job Search

Jul 12, 2017Branding, Career, Human Resources, Interviewing, Motivation, Put In The Work, Uncategorized0 comments

I work with candidates of all ages and competencies who battle fear and self-doubt in the face of their job searches. Moments of insecurity are to be expected during a job search. it is not uncommon to see a deeper crisis of confidence.

On the other hand, this journey can be motivating and thought-provoking, revealing new paths, more meaningful connections and better opportunities to explore. It’s important to not focus so much on the negative aspects of your job search but instead see it as a time for reflection and growth.

What do you want?

I see many candidates jump right into job hunting without first asking that important question. Use your downtime to ask yourself what you want to do as a career. Deep down, are you looking for a career switch or in search of another role? Don’t just take the first offer that comes along. You’ll be much happier in the long term by waiting and exploring.

Focus on your personal branding 

Your résumé is the single most important marketing tool needed for your job search. Make it your top priority to seek help in crafting an effective one.  A powerful, memorable résumé will give you much-needed confidence, and it will open doors.

Don’t look at it as rejection 

Almost nothing is more demoralizing than being strung along, left hanging with no follow-up or turned down for a job. These outcomes send many job seekers into a tailspin. It’s understandable.

To head this emotional pitfall off at the pass, remember that ‘fit’ – as in the right company culture and the right job for you personally – is just as vital for you as it is to a prospective employer. What about the money, the hours, opportunity for advancement, whether you will fit in with your superior or colleagues – is this job really what you want and where you want to go? There should be many questions and they are all valid.

The emotions you experience can propel you into action with a healthy, positive mindset. Surround yourself with positive, supportive and well-placed people as you pursue your career move. And with every step you take on your journey, remember you are unique and in control, and that there are ideal opportunities for everyone – if you are ready.



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