The Difference Between Successful and Unsuccessful People
What’s the key to success? What makes some athletes, entertainers, teachers, lawyers, business owners and even radio personalities more successful than others?
First – there is not secret pill that we take each morning. Nor is it a secret society, a secret godfather, or secret handshake.
However, it is a set of characteristics, traits and practices that have become part of our DNA. And most importantly, there is a distinct difference from those who are unsuccessful.
These tips will be helpful for all of the career gladiators or my business gladiators who are trying to live their life in the Success lane.
1. Successful people have a sense of gratitude vs. Having a sense of entitlement
We are thankful for what we have and where we are. We don’t think the world, our community or our parents owe us something including a trust fund to live off. We view each day as a new opportunity.
2. Successful people Compliment others vs Criticize others
It is easy for us to say great job, nice car or you look fabulous in that outfit. Those who criticize will say – that BMW would look better in red, you should have selected a different shoe for that outfit or her nail polish was chipped!! Never a positive word!
3. Successful people Give other people credit for their victories vs. take all the credit for others victories
Every worked for a boss who took all the credit for a successful project yet was eager to throw the whole team under the boss who the project went wrong? Successful people use the terms we – us – our. Those other people use terms like – me – I – mine!!!
4. Successful people Set goals and develops life plans vs. Fly by the seat of their pants
Ask any successful person – what’s next for you and you’ll always get a response. They are always working on something and have short and long term goals. Ask an Unsuccessful person – what’ next and they will talk about what they did in the past.
5. Successful people Talk about ideas vs. Talk about other people
You will rarely find a successful person on the phone or standing by the water cooler gossiping about another friend or employee. You just won’t. And if you try to drag us into a conversation, we have a unique way to flip the script or exit stage left. Our minds are filled with ideas to make things or our life, bigger – better – brighter.
6. Successful people Accept responsibility for their failures vs. Blames others for their failures
Have you ever talked to a person and their life’s woes were all due to somebody else? They never say – it was my decision and I accept the consequences. Never. It is always someone else’s fault. Successful people admit their mistakes and move on!!!
7. Successful people Exchange ideas vs. hordes information and data
We’re willing to share what we know and are eager to develop or mentor others. Unsuccessful people will tell you a lie or nothing at all.
8. Successful people Are always learning vs. think they know everything
Successful people remain in a state of learning and thirst for knowledge. Ever try to share something with a person and their constant line is – I already know. Successful people never want to be the smartest one in a room or their small circle. They prefer being around others they can learn from.
9. Successful people Share in other peoples joy vs. secretly hoping others will fail
The reason we can celebrate others is because we realize that we’re not competing with them for a slice of the pie. We flow through life realizing that we have an ocean of blessing and opportunities assigned specifically to us. What’s for you is for you and you’re light shining brightly does not dim mine.
10. Successful people Forgive others vs. hold a grudge
We accept what has happened and move on. We also realize hanging on to an issue of mistrust, backstabbing, or lies takes up space in our heart and mind and blocks new and better people, opportunities and experiences. Unsuccessful, negative people will hold on tightly to an issue and eagerly wait for an opportunity to throw it in your face. Let go and move on!!!
Bonus: Successful people have at least a dozen Haters!!