Finding Those Hidden Dream Jobs

Jul 17, 2017Career, Communication, Networking, Put In The Work6 comments

Sending out your resume through career sites isn’t the only way you are going to find your next opportunity. It’s a combination of resume building activities, proactive online searching, and offline networking. Some people hate the thought of meeting complete strangers. But it is one of the most efficient ways to present yourself to prospective employers or champions.

Here are some simple ways you can start connecting with the right people and expedite your job search:

  1. Start with your references. Contact each one of your references to network about your possibilities. Describe your goals and seek their assistance through introductions and job ideas. Be sure to keep them informed of your job search progress.
  2. Schedule time with your key contact. List the people who are crucial to your network—people you know who can and have been very important to you. Reconnect and then schedule a regular meeting or phone call.
  3. Conduct an informational interview.   Reach out to people that hold job titles that interest you. Invite them to coffee and ask them if you can pick their brain about their career. This will give you insider information on how they got their role, if it is a job that you would want to do, and also build a relationship with a potential mentor.
  4. Get involved.  Join organizations that are part of your industry and volunteer for committees or board positions. Be sure to take an active role in these organizations so people can see how you work and understand your skill set.

If you are currently in a job search situation or looking to make a career change, we can help you with networking skills as part of our career coaching programs. To learn more about our coaching, schedule a free consultation with me.

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